OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Data Streaming

Queries are a request to display features on the map and will either show the extent of All of the feature instances or just those within a selected View. For large datasets, it is desirable to limit the amount of data returned by a query. However, the program can continue to query and display the data as the view is adjusted, without the need to perform additional queries; this is called Data Streaming.

When Data Streaming is enabled, any change in view extents, by panning or zooming, will cause the data selected by the query to be returned from the spatial database. If a feature has been graphically modified by another user in the same area, the change will be shown the next time the view is refreshed. Data streaming happens in the background and does not interrupt the use of other tools. Streaming can easily be turned on and off via the context menu for each feature or by using the key-ins described below.

Sometimes, it is beneficial to have an overview view that does not affect or start the streaming process. A key-in is available to set data streaming per view. By default, all views are set to data streaming mode.

gdi set streaming views=1,2 Sets streaming for Views 1 and 2
gdi set streaming views=*,-8 Sets streaming for all views but disables for View 8
gdi set streaming features=[+|-]feature1, [+|-]feature2… Sets streaming on (+) or off (-) for the defined features. An * can be used as a wildcard. For example, road* will affect road_cl and road_EOP.
gdi set streaming enabled=true| false features=feature1, feature2 Sets streaming on or off for the defined features